2017 Oconee County Touch a Truck

Several club members made it out to the Oconee County Touch a Truck at the Oconee Heritage Park on Saturday, March 11, 2017. The weather was really nice during the event. There were a lot of people that came out to see the vehicles on display and have fun. We had 5 wagons providing rides during the event. The wagons were full for most of the time with a line of people waiting their turn. There were also a few tractors on display and the kids had a lot of fun sitting in the seat acting like they were driving. One of the tractors pulling a wagon lost a spark plug so it was only using one cylinder for most of a lap. Luckily, we had a spare spark plug to replace it, and it was put back into service after a quick test. Overall, it was a great event enjoyed by everyone. We would like to say thanks to the club members that came out and assisted with the event (whether you brought a tractor, wagon or just came to help out). We would also like to thank the event organizers and everyone that came out. The event wouldn’t be much without you. We are already thinking about next year. Hopefully, we will see you there. Until then, take a look at these photos, watch the videos on our Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQYZZsJa5JP7buMT97NISxA) and stay safe.

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